He's cute, he smiles at strangers and acts so friendly away from home but
he can't stand for me to touch him or hug him. He won't answer direct questions from me,
his mom for the last 3 1/2 years.
My husband and I have been foster parents for the last 10 years. I wanted to adopt a
special needs child, preferrably one with a visible handicap. Our county said they had
none. So we prayed. The next year we were asked to take a sib group, 9 and 12 year boys.
After 2 years, we agreed to adopt both but the older one ran away when we won't let him
join a football team with failing grades. We finalized adoption on the youngest knowing
that he had some behavior problems. Even got a secondary diagnosis of RAD from the only
RAD therapist in the county.
After 6 months of therapy w/o progress, I'm searching for some answers. Basically, I've
come to the conclusion that the best hope my child has is lots of prayer and patience.
Meanwhile, I'm getting more and more uptight. Definitely need to find a support group
where I'm not the bad guys for making my "island" at least do his chores.